eCommerce Platform for Health Brands

Selling nutritional products online? Nexternal has the tools and features you need to sell more and succeed.

Why does our eCommerce Platform Work Well for Nutritional Supplement & Healthy Living Products?

  • Subscriptions / Auto Recurring Orders
  • Single Click Reorder
  • Track Lot Numbers at the Order Line Item Level
  • Amazon Seller Central Integration
  • Automatically Suggest and Upsell Related Products to the Customer
  • Create USPS, FedEx and UPS Labels in Bulk
  • Strong CRM Tools to Capture All Customer Interaction with Your Company
  • Mobile Friendly Store so Your Customers Can Place Orders on the Go
  • Capture up to Six Custom Data Elements at the Customer Level (Doctor Name, Codes, etc.)
  • Capture Phone, Mail, Point-of-Sale Orders
  • Expose Your Products to the World
  • Marketplace Feeds - Google Shopping, & Shopzilla are just a few of the marketplaces that you can feed your products to directly from our eCommerce Platform.
  • Email Marketing Tools - Easily send marketing emails to all of your customers or a "targeted" group of customers right through our system or by using an integrated email marketing service like MailChimp.
  • SEO Tools - Our eCommerce Platform was built from the ground up with search engine optimization (SEO) in mind. A search engine friendly shopping cart will help you maximize organic traffic to your website without incurring any additional cost.

Powerful Product Presentation

  • Image Gallery - Display multiple views of your product or provide a color swatch that dynamically updates the product's main image shown.
  • Enlarged Images - Each image you upload can offer an enlarged view which will provide your shoppers with a detailed perspective of your product.
  • Product Reviews - Product reviews can be essential to encouraging a shopper to make a purchase. You'll have the option to display reviews on all of your product pages as well as schedule automatic review reminders.

More Great Features for Nutritional Supplement Companies

  • Capture B2C, B2B, and Phone Orders in One System - Whether it's a basic consumer, wholesale customer or a call-in order, you can enter all of your orders directly into our eCommerce system.
  • Product Sorting on List Screen - Shoppers can easily sort the products on the page by options such as price, popularity or reviews.
  • Notify Me Upon Availability - If an item is on backorder or you're taking preorders, customers can be automatically notified via email once the item is back in stock.